

Mani Martins

As well as teaching courses at the college, I support the college leads to develop, expand, organise and sustain the college program. I also maintain contact with tutors to over see the running of courses and I support students with course queries and enrolments. 

Paul Fowler

As RC Lead Paul supports our tutors and students. He ensures tutors are supported with the development of their courses, ensuring co-production is at the heart of what we do. Paul will be taking a lead on our virtual platform and getting that going again! Paul will also be teaching courses and has a few planned for the coming months.

Kourtni Charles

As the Recovery College deputy manager I provide physical and emotional support to our tutors, students and staff. I support Amy with the running of the college and ensure our terms and courses run smoothly and ensuring co-production is at the heart of all that we do and in keeping with the college principles

To be part of a Recovery College requires you to to be different because your difference adds to the bigger picture of being part of something phenomenal

Jane Kelly

Although the Recovery lead for ELFT; Jane plays a big role in our college. Jane was part of the team setting up our college and continues to teach our co-production course. Jane is our biggest support and promoter and is an integral part of our team

Amy Bagshaw

Im the manager of the Recovery College, I am a mental health nurse so also teach our pshcoeducational courses along with our peer tutors. 

i feel privilidged to be a part of the Recovery College, it is a truly special place. We provide courses that empower people and equip them with the tools they need to take charge of their own recovery journey. We dont tolerate stigmatising langauage and are a place of no judgment- people can just be themselves here. 

Angela Ramos

I am a part time admin- I am tasked with helping students with any queries and day to day tasks. I also teach a variety of courses.

Maria Mott

Having lived experience as well as 37 years experience in teaching, I felt that i could contribute lots of ideas and skills for the team, peer tutors and students at the Recovery College. 

My main role is to support the peer tutors as well as running tutor meetings in conjuction with what management require. I also co-produce/ teach in Art Club and Social Club. 

I am passionate about my job and want all students and peer tutors to experience lots of positive courses! Using the CHIME model, we aim to build confidence, friendships and skills within a non- judgemental and safe environment.