

Understanding Bipolar

Understanding and Acceptance

Wed, 20 Nov 2024, 14:45 - 16:45

Wed, 27 Nov 2024, 14:45 - 16:45


City & Hackney Recovery College

23 Primrose Square

E9 7TS

Multi-day event


During this short course we will cover what bipolar is, possible causes and triggers, symptoms and treatment. We will offer a little more understanding about bipolar and how it can affect individuals.

This is an informative course that aims to broadenyour knowledge and control of your experiences

Amy Bagshaw

Im the manager of the Recovery College, I am a mental health nurse so also teach our pshcoeducational courses along with our peer tutors. 

i feel privilidged to be a part of the Recovery College, it is a truly special place. We provide courses that empower people and equip them with the tools they need to take charge of their own recovery journey. We dont tolerate stigmatising langauage and are a place of no judgment- people can just be themselves here.